Dec 27, 2004


Hello again. Sorry that I havn't been writing much. I just got lazy. Please forgive me, PLEASE!!!! I had such a good christmas. Carol, I got a pair of professional hair straighteners they go up to 190 C! Hot ay. I also got a Dublin riding helmet and 2 lilos for the pool. Also Carol, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR CAROL, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day.

Yesterday, we had 9 people around. At dinner I sat down with my riding hat on and so the others didnt feel left out mom got them all some silly hats!!! Afterwards hannah emma hax and I all swam but Stephanie's mom didn't let get in for 30 mins which I think was a bit unfair. jackie sort of annoyued me because she told Juliet she wouldn't be able to sleep here and that Stephanie would be left out and so Emma, Hannah and the rest of them couldn't stay. I think that was really unfair.

On Xmas Eve evening we went to our neighbours for drinks. We had some sparklers. Tessa, Rosie, Kelsey and I were playing with them. Tessa happen to drop hers as I was shaking a stone out my shoe. A bit flew off and stuck in my shoe and burnt the sole of my foot. It was really, really sore. Later we went to Midnight Mass but my foot was still very sore. I still enjoyed it though. We met Robyn and Sarah there. Talking about Sarah, hope you get better soon. She got sick and had to go to the doctors on Boxing Day.

The other things I got for Xmas were - a turbie towel and skipping rope, 2 horse books, a piano book, 30 New Zealand stories (I love those stories. Katie it's the same series as the book we gave you. Do you like them?), a shark tooth necklace, a puzzle, lots of smellies, 3 CD's (Now 16, Ben Lummis, he won the NZ Idol and the NZ Idol CD), a lime green mosquito net, a pink top, a nightie, a Bratz Doll (I already had it so I get to change it) and a lava lamp. We didn't finish unwrapping presents until 9pm. It was sooo tiring I had to had have a sleep in the middle of the day! Bridget thank you very, very much for the adopt a hector dolphin. Does anyone know of a name that would be good for a dolphin? From Feral, Rust and Inca I got some White Musk glittery body lotion.

Today it was really, really sunny and we spent the day swimming in the pool. Daddy hopped in and tried to get on my lilo but he couldn't get on. It was so funny Mom laughed until she cried! This evening we went to Centenial Drive in Matamata and rode our bikes with our new bicycle bells from Santa. We had heaps of things in our stocking, it was overflowing!

By the way, even if you don't have an address you can now post comments on my blog as Mommy has changed the settings. Just click anonymous but type your name at the end so I know who you are. Merry Christmas to everybody and a Happy New Year.


Dec 6, 2004


For camp we went to Totara Springs. We did raft building,kayaking,low ropes,archery,slug gun shooting,high ropes and a flying fox. My favorite thing was archery. First tine o triad i a cot to work with a really hard bow, i couldn't pull it back.Next I used an easier bow and I actually hit the target. The funniest thing probably was the toast at breakfast. It said good morning to you. Mum came and helped out on the first and in the slug gun shooting was the only one to score a bullseye.the flying fox was scary because you about 30 cm away from hitting a tree. I couldn't jump of so Mr Mac pushed me.

Love to all Ax